Animal Bingo for ESL / EAL / ELL
Posted by EALEE - 24 Apr. 2018 - Classroom Materials

This is a fun way for your students to expand their English vocabulary of living creatures and improve reading. Animal Bingo has twenty base boards. Each board is different so there will always only be one winner. Ten of the boards have the names of the animals under the pictures and ten boards have only the pictures of animals, so this makes differentiation a possibility. If using the ten boards with only animals, the callout cards marked with* must also be used.  

  As a bonus, this resource also contains Cut and Stick and Word Search worksheets using the same animals.(Word Search solutions are included)  

  The vocabulary 

bear, cat, dog, fish, koala, frog, mouse, monkey, penguin, panda, sheep, rabbit, snail, squirrel, cow, zebra, lion, camel, tiger, pig, horse, elephant, rhino, donkey, hedgehog, swan, flamingo, hippo, ostrich, kangaroo, badger, parrot, peacock, crocodile 

Primary school (ages 5-10),
General English, TOEFL,
Printable worksheet, Game, Group activity, Individual activity,

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