Ten Green Bottles ( ESL / EAL / ELL Song)
Posted by EALEE - 11 Jul. 2018 - Classroom Materials


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Ten Green Bottles is a useful song for teaching numbers to young children and older students who have English as an Additional Language and are at the stage of learning the numbers from 1 - 10. Green bottles with numbers are included. These can be laminated and stuck to a wall or board and removed at the appropriate time during the song.

As an additional activity, the bottles could also be used (by young children) for arranging the numbers ( 1 - 10 ) in the correct order. 

Beginner, Pre-intermediate,
Young learners (ages 1-4), Primary school (ages 5-10), Middle school (ages 11-14), High school (ages 15-18), Adult (18+),
General English,

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