Word Order for EAL / ESL / ELL
Posted by EALEE - 13 Mar. 2018 - Classroom Materials


Are your students needing to improve their English word order? These worksheets and follow up activity will help with both written and spoken sentence construction.    The 17 worksheets provide illustrations with words provided, in a jumbled order, for making sentences to describe the pictures. Students have the opportunity to rearrange the words and write a sentence describing what is happening in each picture. An additional benefit to completing this task, is that English vocabulary can also be increased because of the use of the visuals depicting the activities to be described.    There are 68 sentences to be completed and an optional front cover for use if the worksheets are to be made into booklets. Star Wars characters have been added to make the worksheets more appealing to Star Wars fans.    A sheet for recording students’ completion of the sheets is included.    Answer sheets are also provided, giving the option for peer correction.

Beginner, Pre-intermediate,
Primary school (ages 5-10), Middle school (ages 11-14),
Printable worksheet,

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