My Profile

Dwi Amalia Putri

Semarang, Indonesia

About Me

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Hello everyone,

I am passionate and attentive English teacher who is seeking the opportunity to teach English abroad. I received Master Degree from the Ohio State University, USA in 2015.

My teaching experiences began in 2011 after I graduated and received my Bachelor Degree in Indonesia. I have taught various types of students from kindergarten to university level. In addition, I have some students who are professionals.

Teaching has been my passion and career that I want to pursue. Therefore, I am open to all teaching opportunities around the world.

Thank you.


The Ohio State University, USA

Master of Arts

December 2015

Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Bachelor of Education

September 2011


English Lecturer

Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

September 2017 to Current

·    Teach English to Indonesian university students aged 18 to up

·    Manage large group of students (80 students in each class)

·    Develop teaching/learning materials

·    Focus on grammar, reading and writing skills

English Instructor

Indonesia Marine Merchant Academy (AKPELNI) - Semarang, Indonesia

September 2016 to Current

·    Teach English to Indonesian college students aged 18 to up

·    Conduct small group and individual activities to focus on speaking skills

·    Create interesting activities to learn English (games, role play, individual presentation)

·    Encourage students to speak English all the time in the class

English Instructor

Don Bosko High School

September 2016 to Current

·    Teach English to Indonesia students aged 15 to 18 in English Conversation Club extracurricular

·    Implement innovative learning activities to students (one-on-one talk, games)

·    Monitor and help students to improve their speaking skill

English Instructor

AAK - AKAFARMA 17 Agustus - Semarang, Indonesia

June 2012 to August 2017

·    Conduct TOEFL Preparation Program to Indonesian college students

·    Facilitate a lot of practices to do TOEFL test

·    Teach effective strategies to do TOEFL test

Instructor, Translator & Administrator

Riverside Learning Center (Private English Course)

September 2011 to September 2014

·    Teach English to Indonesia speaking students with different age groups (kindergarten to university and professional level)

·    Teach English in different English programs (English for Kids, General English, Conversation Class, TOEFL Preparation Program)

·    Teach bahasa Indonesia to foreigners (Bahasa Indonesia class)

·    Develop materials and lesson plan

·    Provide translation services (translating documents and articles)

·    Arrange the schedule for each English program

·    Write business proposal and promote the English Programs in schools

·    Design brochure of the company

·    Manage social media accounts of the company

Private Tutor

Genius School

July 2011 to September 2011

·    Tutor kindergarten student

·    Teach spelling and reading


teaching english tranlator interpreter bahasa indonesia tutor


english bahasa indonesia javanese


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Individual Presentation

The students of Indonesia Merchant Marin...


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