Welcome to your one stop solution to search and find
ESL teaching jobs around the world. Our goal is to simplify the job search process as much as possible for ESL teachers. Whether you are newly embarking on the journey of becoming an English teacher or are already a seasoned professional, our job search will be sure to offer you a variety of great opportunities.
Why is our job search better than others for finding ESL jobs? The answer is simple – we strive to bring you the full collection of ESL teaching job postings that are offered out there. There are so many websites that offer ESL teaching jobs that it makes it confusing and tedious for ESL teachers to go through the process of visiting each website regularly to scope out any new job postings. ESL Jobs Lounge does this step for you. When you search our job postings, you are also searching the job postings of hundreds of other websites, saving you countless hours. Then, when you click on a job posting, you will be redirected back to the original job posting to get more information.
If you are newly embarking on a career in teaching English, you will first need some kind of teaching qualification in order to apply to jobs. Although a teaching qualification is not required 100% of the time, it is highly recommended for obtaining a better and higher paying teaching job. There are several teaching qualifications that you can pursue including the TESOL Certificate, the TEFL/TESL Certificates or the CELTA Certificate. You can study for your qualification both in class and online, depending on your preference and availability. Many of our partners offer these courses to prepare you for your teaching career.
We would like to wish you the best of luck in your job search and hope that you will be able to find the job that you are looking for. Enjoy using our tools to search all ESL jobs in one go!