My Profile

Benito Salazar

Bogota, Colombia

About Me

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Teaching has become a passion for me.

I didn’t become a teacher by choice, it was by chance, an opportunity came forth and I seized it without knowing it’d change my life entirely. Over the years teaching I’ve grown tremendously as a person and I have managed to become part of the man I always dreamed I could be, but there’s so much more I want to achieve. I want to use this course as a stepping stone, a tool for me to realize my dreams to become what I need to become, someone capable of going the distance, teach all over the world, learn, grow, and most importantly, help my family.

Quite frankly, we are struggling, I work tirelessly from 7 am to 10:00 pm every day to make ends meet, my mother is 66 and sick and she works from Mondays to Sundays and I need to be able to grow as a professional to help her get some rest, realize her dreams, I need this training course more than anything and FINALLY I have the tools, the skills and opportunity to chase after this, a dream I’ve had ever since I took a marker in my hand and the academic future of children and grown adults alike in my hands.

In my opinion an outstanding language lesson requires several elements. First and foremost a teacher has to be capable of conveying or communicating a message using different methods, from grammar, to colloquialisms, to day-to-day words students can use, and I personally like to use kinaesthetic elements like games and ice-breakers that help create a bond between students, and build confidence in their skills with practice in a non-critical environment. When a student excels it should be celebrated and if a student is falling behind tutorship should be offered.



La Universidad del Zulia (LUZ)

B.E Bachelor Petroleum Engineering

December 2010

Verde Oliva Gastronomic Center of Culinary Arts


May 2016

Juan XXIII Italian-Venezuelan Private School

A.S Associate of Science

March 2005


EFL teaching department Manager

Kenneth's Language Institute

July 2011 to Current

The company focuses on dedicated professionals, qualified and trained in relevant areas, striving to provide quality educational services. Their unique IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, GRE, PTE, and ACT preparation courses support students to crack the tests easily with enough practice sessions. They have very effective English language courses that are conducted by professional language trainers in both English and French.


  • Managing 5 classrooms each occupied by 10-20 students from all ages averaging from 13 to 66 years old and a staff of teachers of 10 working an average of 44 hours a week.
  • Focused on teaching English on a spoken, written and technical level with tools that help students develop their Intonation, Pronunciation, Fluency, Grammatical and Social skills.
  • Developing kinesthetic activities and games that would bring forth creativity, passion and knowledge to the students and help them put to the test daily the skills learned during theory lessons.
  • Evaluation of their skills on a written and spoken level with detailed examination after each of the lessons were thoroughly developed and fully realized. o Interview students before admission;
  • Design, develop and teach English language courses, create the repository of test questions; 
  • Assist in translation work for large foreign affairs.


proficient with microsoft office program adobe photoshop comfortable working with children and adults • proficient with microsoft word and powerpoint • excellent spoken and written language skill with clear diction • patience & good listening skills • creative application to activity based programs • ability to work in stressful situations and under pressure. • planning and organisational skills.


spanish english intermediate italian


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Performance Certificate

Chef Degree

English Certificate

B.E Degree


Preparing for a Class

Preparing for a class


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