Course: Teaching English as a Second Language
May 1983
TESOL Certificate
January 2017
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership
July 2009
Taber and District Community Adult Learning Association
November 2016 to Current
ESL Instructor in the Work Foundations program teaching Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking, as well as computer and math skills to German, and Spanish adults to improve workplace skills.
Enchant School, Horizon School Division
August 2009 to July 2014
Principal and Teacher at Enchant Public School with a student population that were 65% ESL learners in grades K-9. Students were Mexican Mennonites that spoke German and Spanish as their first and second languages, learning English as a third or other language.
Lethbridge Community College
June 1992 to December 1992
ESL instructor for Adult immigrants to Canada
Red Deer College
January 1988 to December 1989
ESL classroom instruction to adult ESL students
Dr, David Clyde Walters
Walters Family
Teaching in Taber, Alberta Canada
ESL instructor in Alberta Canada
At Stirling Alberta