I am a person who really loves nature and learning new things in life. Every opertunity I get I see as a opertunity to learn. I feel you are never to old to learn new things. I am a vibrant teacher and my passion has and will always be teaching. I enjoy helping students and encouraging them to achieve their best. I will be a great addition to your team because I am always willing and love making jokes, but when we work we work and when we play we learn and encourage each other.
150 hours
May 2021
Be. Ed Intermediate
January 2011
Global Youth Ambassador Project - One world education
February 2022 to Current
I teach English to learners in China. The classes are on average 20 learners who are from age groups of 9 years old up and till 12 years old.
Activo Health
October 2017 to February 2022
I moved out of teaching into a Pharmaceutical career where I have learned so much. I have to run a whole area of sales on my own and mange a area. I have to do invoices for my Pharmacies. I do training for the staff on our products, I have to make sure all my pharmacies have stock on their shelves, I to make sure they are aware of deals we are running as well as new launches of products. I have won Rep of the year in 2019 meaning I was the best rep in Country for our Company. I have also won more awards on certain products.
Van Dyk Primary school
August 2014 to September 2017
I taught English Home Language to learners who did not speak English at home. I taught 200 learners each year. I also would have extra classes after school to help learners achieve their full potential. I was made Subject head of the English department one year after I stared teaching. My responsibilities where setting up question papers and grading my fellow teachers exam paper to make sure they were on the curriculum standard. I help organize the school athletic days as well as I helped organized the Drum majorettes. I would help the learners with Public speaking and Debate. My main aim in my class room was to get learners to read more. So we started a DAR (Drop and Read) initiative, where we ring a bell at any time of the day and there where the learner would be they would have to drop what they are doing and read anything for 5 min from any resource.
Gluckstadt Primary School
January 2012 to August 2014
I taught Grade 3 learners from a underprivileged area where they had very little resources. I taught all the subject to the small class of 30 learners. I taught them writing, spelling, word building, langues, math as well as PE. I use to help with Athletics as well as the feeding scheme we had at school. We as teachers had to design our own programs to help learners where we could. I ran the the tuck shop and the handing out of all the stationary at the school.
Olympia Primary school
January 2011 to December 2012
I taught Grade 5 students basic Maths. I also help the Grade 4 learners with extra classes when they needed any help. I coached Hockey as well as Chess.
Out on Safari my favorite past time. Saw...
My husband and I love the outdoors and n...
This is my bundle of joy Lexi! She is a ...